Navigating Elevators and Hallways with Your Dog 

Navigating Elevators and Hallways with Your Dog 

Hallways and elevators can pose a challenge for city-dwelling dog lovers.  Elevators can be very tense as they are a very confined contraption.  Not only that, but dogs will come across strangers in elevators and hallways which may prompt them to exit their own comfort zones.  We are here to provide you with a handful of tips to help you navigate through these tough barriers.

  1. Lead the way.  In hallways, make it a habit of walking your dog along the wall rather than in the center so you won’t have to reposition them.


  1. Be friendly!  A simple “hello” goes a long way.  Before your dog has a chance to decide that a nervous stranger is a threat, be friendly.  This will encourage your dog to react in a positive manner.


  1. Stay back.  Always stand well away from the door and to the far side of the building exit while waiting for an elevator.  This will allow your dog plenty of space and prevent any aggression issues.


  1. Placement is key.  If the elevator is empty, step all the way in and have your dog sit behind and to the side of you.  We recommend that you incorporate some verbal phrases of positive reinforcement!


  1. Positivity.  A true dog lover would never know this, but some people are afraid of dogs!  If you are well positioned when the elevator door opens, invite a stranger in and enjoy a positive experience.


As you can see, there are several things that can be incorporated to make this process seamless.  At the end of the day, you must practice consistency and patience.  You never know – your dog may make several friends along the way!