Protecting Your Dog’s Paws from Hot Pavement 

Protecting Your Dog’s Paws from Hot Pavement 

Did you know that hot pavement can burn a dog’s paws? Many…
Can Classical Music Relax Dogs

Can Classical Music Relax Dogs?

Do you play music for your dog? Having something on in the background,…
Tuesday’s Treat Oat & Apple Pretzel Bites

Tuesday’s Treat: Oat & Apple Pretzel Bites

Welcome to our Tuesday Treat article of the week. We are excited…
Spotlight Breed Russian Toy 

Spotlight Breed: Russian Toy 

Welcome to our Spotlight Breed article of the week. This article…
Apartment Living With Dogs – Tips!

Apartment Living With Dogs – Tips!

Depending on the situation, renting may be much easier than buying…
Reasons Why Dogs Pant

Reasons Why Dogs Pant

Let us start by saying that it is typical behavior for a dog…
Can Dogs Eat Eggs 

Can Dogs Eat Eggs? 

Did you know that when dogs were hunters and gatherers, they…
What Happens When My Dog Gets Sprayed by a Skunk

What Happens When My Dog Gets Sprayed by a Skunk?

Oh no! Your four-legged friend just encountered a skunk and got…
Training Your Dog Not To Attack Strangers With the Establish Leader Method 

Training Your Dog Not To Attack Strangers With the Establish Leader Method 

It is common for most dogs to bark to warn you when a stranger…
Reasons Your Dog Should Have Its Own Bed 

Reasons Your Dog Should Have Its Own Bed 

Dogs can sleep anywhere! However, there are huge benefits for…