Welcome to Hot Dog On a Leash
Dog Training in Carlsbad – We have superior training methods with proven results. It is very important to dogs in their own Canine Psychology that they know where their boundaries of behavior lie.
At Hot Dog On A Leash, we believe in positive reinforcement, motivation, and moderation. As is the case in most arguments or discussions, the truth usually can be found in the middle ground. Just as with children, we believe in rewards for good behavior and correction at the level that fits the dog’s personality, size, age, and willingness. We utilize flat collars for the most delicate breeds and temperaments, slip collars for the average situation and ordinary character, and pinch collars for the very tough breeds and dominant personalities.
We believe in using the word “No” (or an equivalent word) in association with a correction. Corrections can be instinctual corrections such as bad tastes, smells, or sounds, in addition to collar corrections. We believe in teaching the dog to make their decision based upon proper communication of desired behaviors.