What is the Purpose of Dog Whiskers?
Dog whiskers are cute and such, but do you realize they are an essential part of a dog’s overall health? You may be surprised! Some people assume that dog whiskers do not serve an essential purpose. We are here to inform you of the critical function of a dog’s whiskers and how they help a dog’s visual system. One thing to note is that the placement of a dog’s whiskers tends to vary from one individual to another in an irregular and unpredictable manner. Some whiskers are above a dog’s eyes, and some are on both sides of the muzzle. In addition, some whiskers are placed above the upper lip and beneath a dog’s chin!
The most exciting thing about dog whiskers is that they contain nerve fibers that send sensory information to a dog’s brain. A fun fact is that the whiskers are the most sensitive touch receptors on a dog’s body and can respond to subtle changes in air currents as the dog moves throughout the environment. Furthermore, whiskers can push themselves in the direction of objects of interest.
Whiskers above a dog’s eye are the easiest for most people to associate with the visual system. These whiskers are designed to keep airflow in mind because they provide blink protection. The whiskers on the side of the muzzle are essential because they compensate for the fact that dogs are naturally farsighted, meaning that a dog can see things from a far distance, but the closer items are blurred.
You have learned that whiskers serve a dog’s eyes! We all know that a dog has a keen sense of smell and hearing, but the vision is not the greatest. The whiskers help dogs “see” things. Now you will look at a dog’s whiskers and realize their purpose. How interesting is that?