Tail Wagging – A Clear Sign of Emotions

Tail Wagging – A Clear Sign of Emotions

Do you ever wish that our four-legged friends could talk to us? We would love to know how they feel at any given moment! Even though dogs do not have the ability of verbal speech for communication, they can communicate through body language. The dog’s stance, ear positioning, vocalizations, and facial movements play a huge role in communication. Let’s not forget about tail wagging! This type of body language may indicate fear, anxiety, or insecurity. This article will go into further detail about the tail wag and how it relates to emotions.

Did you know that tail wagging is the most recognized dog communication with humans? However, it is common for humans to misinterpret this body language. Although a tail wag can mean happiness, it can signal other emotions. The tail is interesting because it acts as an emotional meter. To determine how your dog is truly feeling, you will need to pay close attention to the position of its tail. Is the tail in a neutral or relaxed position?

A tail higher in the air signifies dominance or even aggression. A low tail between the legs represents a submissive or nervous state. Usually, a dog holding its tail in a neutral position while wagging is a happy dog. A slight or slow wag may mean insecurity, being neither dominant nor submissive. A fast wag can mean excitement!

Studies show that if your dog is showing off a wag dominating its left side, they have negative feelings. Keep in mind that the tail is not the only way to interpret a dog’s nervousness or anxiety level. Avoiding eye contact or misplaced yawns may be signs of distress as well. Think twice next time you see your dog’s tail wagging. It is a clear sign of your emotions!