Popular Dog Sports

Popular Dog Sports

There are so many active dog breeds out there in the world.  Sports provide a way for them to burn off excess energy and have fun while doing so!  Keep in mind that some breeds are more active than others, and exercise is essential for their mental and physical health.  There are several sporting activities out there which will provide this mental and physical stimulation.  Please continue reading to learn more!


  • Flyball – This is a team sport where teams of dogs compete against each other as they run through obstacle courses and hurdles.  Their objective is to catch a tennis ball and then return it back to the handler.


  • Agility – Verbal commands, movement, or body signals are a huge part of agility.  Any breed may take part in agility, however, some breeds and mix of breeds are better suited than others.


  • Canicross – Think of cross-country running with dogs!  Although this sport began as a practice technique for mushing dogs, it became a sport of its own.  For a dog to be best suited for canicross, they must have great stamina, a healthy cardiovascular system, and loving to run is necessary!


  • Sled Dog Racing – This is one of the most common competitive dog sports out there.  A team of dogs work together to pull a sled that carries their handler through the snow. For the most part, you will only see Samoyeds, Siberian Huskies, American Eskimo’s, and Greenland dogs take part in sled dog racing.


  • Disc Dog – This sport is also known as “frisbee dog”.  Human handlers throw a flying disc and the dog catches and returns the disc.  This sport requires great communication for it to work!

There are so many other sports in which your dog can take part in.  Start by considering what skills your dog has and what they are most likely to enjoy.  Consider the big motivation factors to determine the best fit!