Happy Birthday! How to Celebrate with Your Pup!

Happy Birthday! How to Celebrate with Your Pup!

We take doggie birthday’s seriously around here and so should you!  After all, you are your dog’s life, and they are yours.  This alone calls for a celebration!  There is a possibility that you may not know your dog’s actual birthday.  Don’t worry!  If you have an estimate year that they were born, we recommend that you create a memorable date for their birthday.  What can you do to celebrate?  We have some ideas for you!

  1. Throw a Doggy Birthday Bash! Invite all your doggy friends to a pet-friendly area – local park, restaurant patio, etc. You can whip up your own doggy birthday cake or purchase one from a local doggy bakery. Throw in some party favors, music and treats for an epic celebration!


  1. Birthday Photo! Snap a picture of your birthday buddy at their celebration. Try to add in a fun hat, balloons, and streamers. Remember, it’s their special day.  Do not be afraid to go all out!


  1. Revisit the Original Meeting Spot! Go back to the original place where you first met your dog and your dog met you!  If it was an animal shelter, give them a donation; and then give your dog and your family a treat and remember how lucky you were to have found each other.


  1. Take a Walk! Look for a park that allows dogs to run free – or venture to the water.  Get your paws wet if you dare.  Nothing feels better than running without a leash, especially on your birthday!  This is the perfect opportunity to enjoy a wonderful meal out at a restaurant and having your dog being admired by well-wishers.


  1. A Brand-New Toy! Play with a new game or doggie toy that you’ve been saving just for this occasion.  If you’re lucky enough to have a specialty shop near you, indulge your best friend with a new Frisbee, chew or ball.  See which one your dog would like by letting him select the new one he wants at the store!  And then, pull out the special biscuits you’ve been saving for this milestone.  Your dog will love it and so will you.