Dogs & Dead Birds 

Dogs & Dead Birds 

There are dogs who love to roll in and eat anything that they find! There may come a time when your dog encounters a dead bird, and they may want to play with it or even eat it. Eating a dead bird can cause negative health concerns for your four-legged friend. One of the greatest risks is gastroenteritis, which typically causes diarrhea and/or vomiting. Another concern is salmonella. Some birds carry salmonella in their intestinal tracts and dogs could become infected from eating them.

The safest thing is to ensure that your pet is not touching or eating dead birds. If your pet happens to eat a dead bird and develops diarrhea or vomits, salmonella infection is possible. This is when you will need to take your dog to the veterinarian. Keep in mind that symptoms of salmonella poisoning usually appear after 12 to 72 hours after your dog eats the bird. Additional symptoms include fever, mucus in stool, lethargy, and increased heartbeat. If immediate action is not taken, the toxins might travel to the other organs and damage them as well.

If you must move or remove a dead bird, you will need to take precautions.

  • Do not touch dead birds with bare hands.
  • Use heavy-duty gloves to place the bird in a leak-proof plastic bag.
  • Contact your local waste management agency regarding disposal instructions.
  • Always wash your hands with soap and water as soon as you are done.