Dirty Paw Prints – Win the Battle! 

Dirty Paw Prints – Win the Battle! 

Regardless of where you live and how beautiful the weather is, chances are, you will experience dirty paws!  Often you may feel like it is a never-ending battle, but the good thing is that there are tons of things that you can do to help. Please see below for a few tips on how you can combat dirty paws.

  1. Restrict – Cut back on dirty paws by preventing your dog from digging in the yard or venturing off to areas that are dirty.
  1. Wash Station – Inside the door of your entry area, keep a big, washable rug and a basket of dog towels.  You can even add a hair dryer for those wet days that can make a huge mess!
  1. Wipes – These will be your best friend!  Keep wipes close by for on-the-go cleaning.
  1. Shampoo and Moisturizer – Because you will be wiping your dog’s paws at least once a day, use a gentle soap.  You can try dry shampoo or one that’s used for show dogs and safe to be used daily.  Finish off the process with a paw conditioner or moisturizer.
  1. Dog Booties – These can prevent your dog from bringing in dirty and mud.  Be sure that you are choosing “shoes” that are meant for any outdoor activity.  Use some positive reinforcement to make it a good experience!


  1. Floor Covers – Put an absorbent mat outside the door and add a runner inside that your dog must walk on.  This will help brush off any excess dirt and even dry their paws.

As you can see, there are a handful of tips to help combat dirty paw prints.  With a little patience and planning, you will be on your way to success!