Why Do Dogs Hide Under the Bed

Why Do Dogs Hide Under the Bed?

Have you noticed that your four-legged friend is hiding under the bed? You may be confused as to why they are doing this. Like so many other canine behaviors, the answer isn’t exactly straightforward. The good news is that this behavior is typically harmless. Dogs will primarily hide under the bed (or another small dark area) because they find it comfortable and relaxing. Another reason why dogs hide under the bed is because they enjoy the temperature that is created underneath the bed.

If you determine that your dog enjoys being under the bed because it is dark and contained, you can recreate a similar spot in the house. Consider using a crate or kennel covered with a blanket and a soft bed inside. This would be an ideal spot for your dog to relax and unwind.

You may discover your dog hiding under the bed because of anxiety or illness. For example, dogs may find a play to disappear for a bit if they are dealing with body aches. Thunderstorms and parties with many people may cause your dog anxiety. They may feel safer if they are tucked under the bed as it allows them to escape the chaotic noise or stress.

If your dog is hiding under the bed to relax, this behavior is not dangerous. If you believe something is wrong and the bed is an unusual place for your dog, you will need to find out the root cause of the behavior. Do not hesitate to speak to your veterinarian for further assistance. They will help create a plan to address the issue.