How to Get a Dog Used to a Crying Baby

How to Get a Dog Used to a Crying Baby

Does your four-legged friend get stressed or anxious when your baby cries? Few expectant mothers are aware of the difficulties they may encounter when the baby comes home for the first time. It is important to note that babies are very peculiar to dogs. They look different, smell different, and sound very different. This article will outline some tips on how you can get your dog used to a crying baby.

Ideally, dogs should be habituated to babies and their sounds before the baby has arrived home. You may wonder how this is possible if the baby isn’t yet born. No need to worry! Think outside the box and let your dog listen to recordings of baby sounds first at a low level of volume. Pay close attention to your dog’s reactions.

If you have found your dog is not at ease or is overly stressed or overstimulated, you may need to seek professional help. This is a risk you do not want to take as it can cause a lot of danger to your newborn baby. The stress and reactive behaviors will likely escalate if you ignore your dog’s reactions.

You may also consider counterconditioning. This method is where the dog is conditioned to form positive associations meant to replace negative ones. As the baby is crying, the dog is presented with several high-value treats given in a row. To make the dog form positive associations with the baby’s crying, it is essential to stop feeding treats when the infant stops crying.

All dog parents need to recognize the signs of stress in their dogs. It will take patience and consistency when it comes to your dog getting used to a crying baby. Follow our recommendations and start the process before the baby’s arrival. This will prevent so much stress in the long run!