Tuesday’s Treat Doggie Trail Mix

Tuesday’s Treat: Doggie Trail Mix

Welcome to our Tuesday Treat article of the week. We are excited to teach you how to make a fun treat for your four-legged friend! On the menu today is Doggie Trail Mix. This is one of our favorite recipes because it doesn’t require many steps, and dogs love it! Please share the recipe with your friends and family so other dogs can enjoy this treat. What are you waiting for? Let’s head to the kitchen and get to work!


Pieces of meat (chicken or beef preferred) Potatoes Vegetables Fruit


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Cut all ingredients ½-inch inch thick pieces.

Spray lightly with cooking spray.

Place the meat, potatoes, and fruit on a baking sheet.

Bake until dried.

Allow the trail mix to cool completely.

It is now time for your dog to enjoy this treat!

*Store the trail mix in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week.