Training Tip Muzzles

Training Tip: Muzzles

A dog muzzle is a device which is designed to prevent a dog from opening its mouth. Dog muzzles are used in training, to retrain aggressive dogs, and to prevent barking.  The best type of muzzle to purchase is a “basket” type muzzle.  This type of muzzle has holes in it which will allow you to feed treats and give your dog enough space to pant.  There are also “tube-type” muzzles which are worn for less time and in temperatures under 75 degrees.  The goal of this article is to provide you with effective tips on how to train your dog to wear a muzzle.

The first step is to show your dog the muzzle.  Let them know that the muzzle is not a bad thing.  Have them sniff it out and get familiar with it.  Feed them a treat and praise them when you realize that they are comfortable with the muzzle.  Repeat this step until your dog is excited to see the muzzle appear.  Next, you can place a treat in the muzzle.  This activity will allow your dog to reach their nose into the muzzle to obtain the treat.  Once your dog is eagerly shoving their nose into the muzzle to obtain the treat, let go of the muzzle and offer your dog a treat so that their head is tilted up.  Be sure that you have a handful of treats.  The object of this part of the activity is to get them to put the muzzle on by themselves.

Your dog may lower their head and try to shake the muzzle off.  If this happens, take a short break from training while you ignore the dog.  Begin training again.  Your dog will eventually learn how to shove their nose into the loop for the treat while keeping their head tilted up so that the muzzle does not fall off.  Have your dog practice wearing the muzzle for 2-3 minutes while feeding them tiny treats.  Extend the time that they wear the muzzle until they can keep it on with ease.  If your dog tries to paw or scratch the muzzle off, you can redirect their attention and then offer her a treat.  Be sure to reward and praise when your dog is nice and calm in their muzzle!