Prevent Your Dog from Escaping the Yard! 

Prevent Your Dog from Escaping the Yard! 

Keeping your dog safe and healthy should be your main priority.  Therefore, it is important to ensure that your yard is safe, and your dog cannot escape.  You may need to take several steps to prevent escapes from happening, but it will be well worth it in the end.  Please continue reading this article to learn more about why dogs escape from their yards and some tips for prevention.

Dogs are some of the most curious creatures out there.  They love to smell new scents and explore new places.  One thing that we must know about dogs is that they can be extremely determined to get what they want!  If they seek out a new sound or smell outside their yard, they may do whatever it takes to get to it.  This is where the following tips will help you along the way.

  • Remove all objects that your dog can climb on.  This will ensure that your dog will not use anything as an escape mechanism to get over a fence.
  • Spay or neuter your dog.  Your dog will less likely feel the urge to escape if they are fixed.
  • Consider a wooden fence.  Chain link fences are easy to climb up and escape.
  • Watch for signs of holes and digging.  Your dog may try to dig their way under a fence to get out.

As always, prevention is key.  If you take the steps to ensure that your dog is safe and secure it will be a huge piece of mind.