Pawsitive Reinforcement: A Training Method
If you are new to dogs, or new to training dogs, this article is for you! Positive reinforcement is an amazingly effective way to train dogs. This type of training means adding something immediately after a behavior occurs that increases the frequency of the behavior. Example: If you ask the dog to sit, the dig sits, and you give him a treat (something added). The dog is more likely to sit next time you ask (the behavior was reinforced).
You are probably wondering what types of rewards are used. For most training, food is the best reward to use. This is because all dogs like food! Not only that, but the reward is efficient which can be delivered quickly. Play can sometimes be used as a reward in dog training. For example, a game of fetch would be perfect for an agility dog! Petting and praise are sometimes suggested as rewards. However, it is important to think about it from the dog’s perspective. Sometimes they just expect more.
You may be wondering what kind of food you can reward your dog with. The main objective is to pick something that your dog really likes. This will provide additional motivation. Just keep in mind that the food item must align with a healthy balanced diet. Our favorite items of positive reinforcement are cubed chicken, small pieces of cheese, or low-sodium deli meats. It is also important to watch the portion size. You want to avoid giving your dog too much.
There is a chance that positive reinforcement may not work. In this case, you may need to switch up the type of reward or you are not following a consistent training plan. It is also important to aim for smaller goals which will yield much larger goals with time.