Keeping Your Dog Calm During a Thunderstorm

Keeping Your Dog Calm During a Thunderstorm

Thunderstorms can be so unpredictable.  They may come out of nowhere and your four-legged friend may get terrified.  Since the weather is not always reliable, it may be a challenge to help your dog overcome their phobia of storms.  The goal of this article is to provide you with some tips on how to help calm your dog during a thunderstorm.

A good way to help your dog overcome a storm phobia is to distract them.  As you know, thunderstorms tend to be loud.  So, finding their favorite toys and playing a fun game will help take your dog’s mind off of the storm that is happening around them.  If you have multiple dogs who are afraid of the storms, include them in the playtime as well!  It is also important to create a calming environment for your dog.  Keep in mind that comforting your dog is a way to destress them, however, it will not reward any poor behavior which is caused by fear.  You may need to find a safe place for your dog to be in during a storm.  Think about a closet, a room with no windows, or even in their crate.  Have blankets and toys nearby to keep them calm.

Dogs are very sensitive to loud noises that thunder, and lightning put off.  Be sure that you are closing all the windows to try and block out that noise.  You can add in music or the TV as a distraction.  Even holding your dog in your lap while watching a video on your phone can distract them from the outside noise.

Training your dog to adapt to the storm should be your overall objective.  We recommend that you play thunder noises over time.  This will help your dog desensitize to the sound of the storm.  If they can stay calm and settled during this, you should give them a reward.  Over the next few weeks, you should increase the storm noises and continue rewarding your dog for their good behavior.

We hope that you consider putting our tips to use in helping your dog overcome the anxiety of storms.  You may need to consult with your Veterinarian if your dog continues to get anxious after you try all our recommendations.  There may be additional issues involved which may require medication and/or training