Ice Water & Bloat in Dogs 

Ice Water & Bloat in Dogs 

There are many rumors around the internet that involve dangers of giving your dog ice water.  Some of these rumors state that ice water can cause bloat.  We are here to tell you that it is just a RUMOR!!!  This article will set the record straight on the topic.

The truth of the matter is that frozen treats and toys are often considered a great way to help keep dogs cool and comfortable after a lot of physical stimulation or during the warmer months.  However, there are some things to keep in mind.  Allowing a dog to chew items harder than their teeth (think about ice cubes) can lead to dental fractures.  Ice should also be avoided in a heat stroke, as it is possible to cool the dog down too much and cause hypothermia.  If you feel that your dog is overheating, it is better to spray them down or seek immediate veterinary care.

So, what is bloat and what are the causes of it?  Bloat is a generic term that most commonly refers to gastric dilatation and volvulus, or GDV.  This is a life-threatening condition which occurs when a dog’s stomach twists and becomes distended.  Unfortunately, this can result in shock or even death.  Bloat almost always occurs, in large, deep-chested breeds such as Boxers, German Shepherds, or Great Danes.

There are several theories suggesting that bloat develops because of drinking too much water or exercising too vigorously after eating.  We hope that you understand that ice does not cause bloat in dogs.  If you ever feel that your dog is experiencing bloat, please take the necessary precautions before it is too late.