Dogs & Ringworms 

Dogs & Ringworms 

Have you ever heard of ringworms? You may have assumed the ringworm is an actual worm, but that is false. Ringworm, or dermatophytosis, is a fungal skin infection that can spread from dogs to humans and vice versa. Unfortunately, a ringworm infection can cause inflammation or redness and may be itchy. There are several cases of fungal infection. Sometimes the infection will spread across the entire body, which may cause lesions.

What causes ringworms? The fungus of the ringworm resides in soil. Dogs that love to dig encounter ringworms more often. Also, ringworm transmission can spread when the dog encounters an infected animal or bedding. Watch out! Even food or water bowls can be infected.

You must understand the ringworm treatment process, which varies depending on severity. Fungal cultures may be necessary to validate ringworms. Fortunately, ringworm is a self-curing disease. However, the dogs that are treated will find relief much more quickly. You must consult your veterinarian. The vet will administer oral and topical therapy to disinfect the dog’s coat.

You may find it challenging to prevent your dog from getting ringworm. However, you can be proactive and wash dog bedding and bowls often, which will help lessen the possibility. We hope you are well aware of ringworm infection and how to avoid and treat it.