How to Build a Doggie First Aid Kit 

How to Build a Doggie First Aid Kit 

You can never be too prepared. A doggie first aid kit can help during an unexpected natural disaster, when you are away from home, or if your car breaks down while transporting your dog. We recommend that you always have a doggie first aid kit. The kit must be durable and able to always travel with you. What types of items should be included in the doggie first aid kit? We are here to help! Check out our list of essentials that you should consist of to build your doggie first aid kit.

  • Emergency contact information. Have a printout of important information, including your veterinarian’s contact information, dog vaccination records, and any medications.
  • Gauze. This can be used to help stop bleeding and cover cuts or scrapes.
  • Non-stick bandages or wraps. These can help cover the wound by preventing infections.
  • Wound spray. The spray will help clean and heal.
  • Muzzle. Did you know that it is common for dogs to bite when they are scared or hurt? The muzzle will help prevent this behavior.
  • Tick removal tool. The sooner you remove a tick from your dog’s body, the better.
  • Disinfectant. Include would disinfectant wipes, which will help prevent infection.
  • Pain relief. We recommend asking your veterinarian which pain relief items you can administer to your dog.
  • Cold and heat packs. These packs will help cool down skin after a burn or keep your dog warm if they are hypothermic.
  • Saline solution. Use this solution to clean wounds, eyes, or ears.

There you have it! You should know how to build a doggie first aid kit. You can consult your vet to see if any items should be added to our list.