Dogs & Holiday Decorations

Dogs & Holiday Decorations

The holidays are filled with delicious treats and beautiful décor. It is essential to consider our pets when it comes to decorations. The article will provide tips on keeping your dog safe during the holidays and how you can dog-proof decorations.

There is always a potential threat that décor can pose to our four-legged friends. Below is a list of common holiday decorations that can be dangerous to your dog.

  1. Ornaments. Dogs are inquisitive, and grabbing ornaments from a tree can be tempting. If an ornament is chewed or consumed, it can break into sharp pieces that can cause your dog serious harm.
  2. Power strips. Power strips are common, especially with the influx of lights during the holidays. Power sources can hold a high potential of causing your dog harm if chewed or manipulated. Keep power strips in a place your dog cannot access to avoid electrocution.
  3. Stockings. Keeping stockings out of a dog’s reach is essential to prevent shredding or consuming treats and candy inside.
  4. Toxic plants. A few plants are popular during the holiday season and pose a threat to dogs. Think about plants such as holly, evergreen, mistletoe, and poinsettias. Consumption of these toxic plants may result in vomiting, diarrhea, and skin irritation. Keep them out of reach of your dog.

There are additional risks involved with holiday decorations. Dogs rely on their mouths and teeth to discover new things around the home. Small holiday decorations can become lodged in your dog’s throat and cause them to choke. Furthermore, chewing on cords and power strips can result in electric shock. Broken glass is typical during the holidays since most decorations are made of glass. Broken glass can cause lacerations in a dog’s mouth or paw if stepped on.

There are always safe ways to decorate while keeping your dog in mind! Purchase a raised tree, avoid low-hanging ornaments and lights, keep plants out of reach, and use a baby gate or some other barrier that will prevent your dog from being around the décor. We hope you enjoy a happy and safe holiday season with your four-legged friend!