Dogs & Loud Music
Our four-legged friends have pretty exceptional hearing abilities. Dogs can detect sounds that we cannot even hear as humans. You may be wondering if loud music affects dogs. Throughout our article, we discuss the link between dogs and loud music.
The world can be a noisy place, especially for our pups. It may be easy to block out some noises we hear daily, but the music may differ. Even though different music types can be considered mood enhancers, it is crucial to remember how vital sound is for canine communication. Dogs use sound as a way to communicate with other dogs. Music may be disrupting a dog’s ability to communicate effectively. How do you know if music is affecting your four-legged friend? You need to pay close attention to the signs. If you notice your dog is howling, cowering, or consistently leaving the room where you have loud music (or even a movie), that may be a sign that it needs to be turned down.
Unfortunately, there hasn’t been a lot of research in regards to the effect of loud music on dogs. It is hard to tell if music has a long and short-term impact on our dogs. However, we know that a dog’s hearing is key to survival! If you think about how prolonged exposure to loud noise can affect our hearing, imagine what it can do to your dogs.
Do not train your dog to handle loud music, especially when you know that it can be damaging and hurtful to their ears. Avoid exposure to many sounds at once. For example, if you have the TV and radio on simultaneously, it may cause your dog to have severe anxiety and confusion because of the overwhelming amount of sounds. The best thing you can do is to be considerate of your dog’s ears! Exposing them to new and different sounds is essential, but not when it can negatively impact them.