Dogs & Birds Living Together – A Good Combination

Dogs & Birds Living Together – A Good Combination?

Many people may assume that dogs and birds are not well suited to a living environment together. There are some truths to this. However, it is possible. You should know that dogs have a very high predatory behavior – it’s an instinct! Watching for signs of predatory behavior in your dog would be best.

If your dog has hardened eyes, a stiff body, or is in a frozen state, this means that they are trying to stalk other animals. It is important to note that predatory sequences may occur quickly, as some dogs show a minimal warning before they go in for the attack. It is crucial that you find secure housing for the bird. They should be kept in a higher area, out of the dog’s reach!

The cage should be solid and secure. Dogs are intelligent and will do their best to get what they want. Will you remove the bird from the cage throughout the day? If so, ensure your dog is in a secure area, away from the bird. Use positive reinforcement with your dog if they behave in a particular area. You can give your dog a toy or stuffed treat to keep them busy while the bird is roaming around the house (away from the dog).

One of the best things you can do is focus on the bird’s safety. There is a possibility that your dog will remain obsessed with the bird. If this is the case, professional intervention is a must. You may discover that the dog and bird are not a good combination, which is okay. If you have tried everything to make it work and it still doesn’t work, it is not a good match.