Dog Park Dog Attack 

Dog Park Dog Attack 

Do you take your dog to the dog park?  If so, keep in mind that it will not always be rainbows and butterflies.  As you are aware, there are a variety of dogs at the dog park – different breeds, behavioral issues, and other obstacles.  Unfortunately, aggressive dogs may have it out for your dog and an attack may occur.  What should you do?  We are here to help!

Keep in mind that unprovoked attacks are usually rare, but very dangerous.  As a dog owner, it is your responsibility to keep a close eye out for all surroundings as harm may be right around the corner.  Dog fights occur between all dogs but most usually between male dogs less than two years of age.  Most people would assume that one of the dogs is a bully with dominant personality traits.  However, most of the time, it happens to be two dogs who are under-socialized and lack confidence.

Breaking up dog fights is equally dangerous as it is to humans than it is to dogs. The first thing that you should realize is that you are not supposed to separate the dogs with your hands or feet.  Dogs may have a good bite inhibition towards each other, but it may be different if a human is in the line of fire.

The best, safest, and most effective way to break up a dog fight is to distract the dogs.  A “pig board” which is a piece of plywood with a handle on top would be the most ideal way to break up the fight.  The board is placed between the two dogs and then the fight *should be* broken up.  However, we realize that a pig board is not always accessible.  Look at your surroundings.  You may incorporate anything that will get the job done, but not cause harm to the dogs.  We cannot stress it enough that prevention is keyKeep an eye out and spot any harm as it comes your way!