CBD Oil for Dogs 

CBD Oil for Dogs 

CBD oil for dogs has become a household favorite for many dog owners.  This type of oil may be good for relieving anxiety in dogs that are disturbed by loud noises, other dogs, and strangers.  It is also good for those puppies who suffer from separation anxiety.  CBD oil is used to treat several medical conditions as well as for preventative care.  We are excited to help you learn more about the many benefits!

Foremost, what is CBD oil for dogs?  Cannabidiol, more notably referred to as CBD, is one of over 100 cannabinoids found in cannabis and hemp plants. CBD is unique because it is completely non-psychoactive.  CBD is usually given to dogs orally, but it is important to know the correct dosage for your pet.   The dosages vary depending on the size of the dog and its specific condition.  You will need to speak with your veterinarian prior to giving your dog CBD oil.  It may not be suitable for all dogs.

Below are some conditions that vets and dog owners are saying can be improved with CBD:

  • Anxiety – Anxiety can be triggered from fear, separation, and even aging.  CBD oil can have a positive effect by reducing anxiety in an all-natural way.
  • Pain & Inflammation – CBD oil can be used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.  Just like humans, dogs can also suffer from both acute and chronic pains which cause an immense amount of discomfort.  CBD oil can reduce inflammation which causes pain levels to deteriorate.
  • Epilepsy – Watching your furry companion break into an epileptic seizure is one of the most distressing feelings a pet owner can experience. Synthetic treatments to control seizures in dogs can also bring along unwanted side effects. The American Society of Epilepsy has stated that CBD has shown very promising results in studies that have been conducted on its effectiveness to control epileptic seizures.

You must ask yourself if CBD oil is the right choice for your pet.  We recommend that you speak with your veterinarian and keep record of how your pet is behaving before, during, and after treatment.  Keep in mind that CBD oil may cause different reactions with each dog.  You will need to pay close attention to their reactions.