Why Do Dogs Kick Their Food Bowl Over?
Does your dog love to kick their food bowl over? If so, you are not alone! Several dogs love to eat their food off the floor or move their food bowl around the house. You may be wondering why dogs partake in this behavior. Our article will discuss the root of the behavior and some things to consider.
Believe it or not, some dogs may have an issue with their food being provided in a bowl or the bowl itself. Do you have multiple dogs in the house? If so, one of the dogs may prefer to move their bowl around or take the food out and eat it elsewhere because they are being territorial. If you have one dog, chances are they are looking for more privacy, mainly if you feed them in a high-traffic area of the house or if they are unable to get peace during mealtime.
If your dog continues to knock their bowl over, it may not be comfortable with it in some regard. There may be a possibility that the bowl has a lingering scent, like soap, or even another dog’s scent, if the bowl is shared or has been used by other dogs. Another thing to consider is that some dogs do not like their whiskers brushing the sides of the bowl when they eat. Furthermore, the bowl’s sound can be a turn-off to your dog. For example, metal bowls are loud if your dog’s tag bounces against them while eating.
The good news is that you can try several things to deter your dog’s messy habits. Consider where your dog eats. Do they have the privacy that they deserve during mealtime? You may also purchase non-skid dog bowls, which help prevent sliding. You can also remove your dog’s collar while they eat to eliminate the extra noise.
Do not yell at your dog if they tip its bowl over. Instead, consider why your dog is knocking their bowl over and try other solutions. Try observing when your four-legged friend is acting abnormally. You may find it interesting that they are trying to tell you something in their way.