Welcome to the Show! Popcorn & Dogs

Welcome to the Show! Popcorn & Dogs

Popcorn is a great snack that we can all enjoy from time to time.  We all know that any time you are eating a snack, you can almost guarantee that your dog will be there, wondering if they can have some too!  A lot of pet owners are unsure if popcorn is suitable for dogs, and whether it could make them ill or have any other negative consequences.  It’s always best to check before you feed your dog something new.

Pet owners may monitor their dog’s food carefully, but if they ruin it with snacks, all the hard work could be for nothing.  So, the main question is if popcorn serves as a healthy snack for your pup.  It depends.  There are a few different factors that can affect how healthy popcorn is for your dog, including how its prepared and served.

Popcorn can be a healthy snack for humans and dogs alike.  When it’s air-popped and eaten plain without salt, butter or sugar, it contains many nutritional values which are good for the digestive system.  Believe it or not, popcorn also contains B vitamins, protein and iron.  These types of things will certainly boost your dog’s health!

If you’re going to share popcorn, be sure to stick with air popped.  If you feed your dog popcorn with unhealthy toppings or additives, side effects will occur which include digestive issues, dehydration or obesity in the long term.  Be sure to pay close attention to how your four-legged friend reacts to the popcorn.  All in all, it’s a great treat that you can share together!