Tips on How to Stop Dog Fights

Tips on How to Stop Dog Fights

Dog fights can be extreme, and there is a risk of injury for the dogs and people. Dogs can cause serious harm to each other and humans during a fight or attack. Trying to jump in and stop a dog fight will be an instinct, especially if your four-legged friend is involved!

However, there may be better ideas than this, as trying to break up a fight incorrectly can lead to severe injuries. Our article outlines some safe and effective ways to break up a dog fight if you ever find yourself in a situation.

Determining why the dog got into a fight in the first place should be your first step. Most of the time, the fight involves territorial instincts. For example, if a dog enters another dog’s territory.

Another reason for a fight is if a dog attempts to take another dog’s food, treat, or toy. Furthermore, friendly dog play can go too far, resulting in overstimulation which can cause a fight.

How can you stop dog fights? Never get in the middle of two dogs or try to grab their collars. When dogs are in the heat of the fight, they are in fight or flight mode and only have one thing on their

minds: to attack. There are a few things that you can do to break up a fight while keeping yourself safe.

Making noise will serve as a distraction technique. For example, you can shout loud or take a stick and hit the ground with it. It may sound silly, but it works!

Spraying the dogs down is another option. Use a hose or spray bottle to get the dogs wet, stopping them in their tracks.

Use objects to throw at the dogs. You do not want to pick up a brick or rock and launch it at the dogs. However, you can utilize things like soccer balls or a blanket to throw at the dogs to distract them.

The last resort is to use the “wheelbarrow” method with another person. Slowly approach each dog from behind and grab the back of its legs.

You must check for injuries after the fight is broken up. If there are injuries, the veterinarian will need to be contacted immediately.

Under no circumstances do not allow the two dogs to interact with each other. Pay attention to the dog’s cues and be proactive to prevent future fights.