Help! My Dog is Afraid of the Washing Machine. What Should I Do 

Help! My Dog is Afraid of the Washing Machine. What Should I Do? 

Washing machines may cause many emotions in dogs. Let’s give it some thought. They make loud noises and can sometimes cause the floor to shake. We are not surprised that a dog may get stressed while you are washing a load of laundry! This article will take a closer look at why dogs are afraid of washing machines and provide some tips on things you can do to alleviate this fear.

Your dog may get scared around the washing machine because of all of the noises that it makes. Therefore, your four-legged friend may have noise anxiety. Common symptoms of noise anxiety include:

  • Barking
  • Clinginess
  • Whining
  • Running away or hiding
  • Shaking
  • Barking
  • Vomiting
  • Panting

Your dog may also be afraid if they have had a bad experience with a washing machine before. Something could have happened to your dog while the washing machine was on, thus causing it to associate with that experience. This is more common than you would think.

Now you must determine how to treat a dog who fears the washing machine. We recommend that you start with counter-conditioning. This is where you will build positive associates with the washing machine for your dog. Start a load of laundry and play with your dog. Please give them a treat or toy each time you do laundry. Eventually, it will get to a point where your dog no longer cares.

Another thing you can try is desensitization. To do this, you get your dog used to the washing machine’s sound. You can play with your dog next to the room where the washing machine runs. Once your dog is comfortable in that location, move them closer to the washing machine. Eventually, your dog will not pay attention to it at all.

Dogs fear many things, and washing machines do not escape the list! Once again, this behavior is more common than one would think. The good news is that you can address your dog’s fears with counter-conditioning and desensitization. We believe your dog will get used to the washing machine quickly!