Do Dogs Really Need Boots
With the growing popularity of dog boots, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. Dog boots offer a wide range of benefits, especially if you have an active pup. Just like your own feet, your dog’s paws are soft and prone to injury, especially if you take them running, hiking, or spending time out in extreme weather. Boots help prevent paws from getting cut and from getting burns or frostbite.
Injury: Cuts and scrapes heal best when they are kept clean and dry. A paw with an injury will heal faster if your dog wears a boot on the affected foot. Talk to your vet to see if this would be appropriate.
Winter time: During the cold winter months they protect from ice and snow. If you live in an area where de-icers are used to melt snow and ice, be aware that some of them can cause chemical burns on paw pads.
(You also don’t want your dog licking these chemicals off once you’re back indoors.) Salt crystals can also be sharp and uncomfortable to walk on. Furthermore, if your dog has furry feet that collect ice and snow between the toes, she may be more comfortable wearing boots.
Summer time: Does it get dangerously hot where you live? Your pup may get burns on his feet when going for walks. A good test to see whether the ground is too hot: press your own hand against it for a few seconds. If you feel the ground and it seems hot to you then that means that it will also be hot for your dog’s paws. If there is no shade covered or grass areas available for your dog to walk on then it might be worth putting boots on your dog to protect them from concrete burns. It is also important though to note that your dog does have sweat glands in their paw pads so be conscious of leaving boots on them for too long so they don’t accidentally overheat.
Hiking or rough terrain: If you and your dog enjoy hiking or camping, booties might be a good idea. Rocks and rough terrain can be painful; sturdy boots with a good tread can be very helpful.
Allergies: Some dogs are extremely allergic to grass. While booties will not prevent exposure to airborne pollen, they can help protect paws from contact irritation from grass and weeds.
But boots aren’t just for active dogs. As dogs begin to age, they may begin to drag their feet as they walk, which can damage their paw pads, so your veterinarian may recommend shoes for cushioning.
Are dog boots necessary to keep paws safe?
Dogs’ paw pads are generally pretty tough. While dog boots aren’t always necessary to keep paws safe, there may be times, places, and situations in which dog shoes are necessary to protect Fido’s paws, such as in extreme hot or snowy weather, when traversing rough terrain, or to protect your dog from allergies or when they have a cut paw, amongst others.