Air Purifiers & Pets 

Air Purifiers & Pets 

Did you know that pets release tons of dander into the air? These tiny particles are hard to see but trust us; they are there! Pet dander is one of the common reasons why people invest in air purifiers. An air purifier is a device that removes contaminants from the air in a room to improve indoor air quality. These devices are typically marketed to those individuals experiencing allergies and asthma. How do air purifiers affect our pets? Continue reading our article to learn more!

It is important to note that our four-legged friends also need clean air. Air pollution can harm pets just as much as it affects humans. For example, pets exposed to passive tobacco smoke face an increased risk for lung problems. Pollutants can cause adverse health complications in our pets. Pets deserve to live in clean environments without harmful pollutants. This is where effective air purifiers come in.

There are many air-cleaning devices in the air purification market. There are tons of HEPA-type and medical-grade air purifiers. The good thing about true HEPS and medical-grade air purifiers is that they effectively eliminate pet odors. Also, people have found relief from pet allergies.

However, certain air purifiers can harm your pets. You should always avoid air purifiers that give off ozone. We are referring to air purifiers with ionizing technology. A pet continually exposed to unhealthy ozone levels may experience discernible respiratory effects.

Keep your pets in mind when shopping for an air purifier. Healthy air is something that everyone should enjoy! Choose a device that is safe for the entire family. You will notice positive changes in the clean air that you breathe.