Spring Cleaning for Dogs
Spring is right around the corner, and you know what that means – it’s time for Spring cleaning! Do not forget about your four-legged friend as you transition from winter to spring in your house. This article will provide some tips on incorporating spring cleaning with your dog!
Deep clean doggie bowls. We recommend that you wash your dog’s bowls every few days. However, spring cleaning may inspire you to clean them even more. If you notice it’s time to change them out, do not hesitate!
Purge the toy box. Spring is the perfect time to go through your dog’s toys and decide to toss any that are damaged or old. Do you have a toy that’s in good shape, but your dog barely plays with it? Consider donating it to a local shelter.
Give your dog’s bed a refresher. If your dog’s bed hasn’t been washed all winter, it’s time to do so in the spring! Launder the bed with dog-friendly detergent and put it in the dryer to move excess hair.
Tackle stubborn pet hair. Do you have a dog who sheds? Consider investing in a de-shedding tool to care for stubborn pet hair. You can also wet rubber gloves and run your hands over your dog. You will be surprised at how much hair will stick to the glove.
As you can see, involving your dog in spring-cleaning activities is easy! All these tasks can be tedious. However, it is worth it in the end. Happy spring cleaning to you and your family!