Canned Vegetables for Dogs – Are They a Good Idea 

Canned Vegetables for Dogs – Are They a Good Idea? 

You should know that many types of vegetables are a healthy addition to your four-legged friend’s diet. However, you should always think twice before adding canned vegetables to the mix. Almost all canned vegetables are incredibly high in sodium. Unfortunately, too much sodium over time can result in serious health concerns for your dog. Allow us to explain further.

Can my dog eat canned vegetables? The answer is maybe. Many brands of canned vegetables are high in sodium. Dogs that eat foods high in sodium can quickly become dehydrated and are at risk for salt poisoning in extreme cases. Although canned vegetables are high in sodium, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are toxic. The good news is that canned vegetables still contain vitamins and minerals found in fresh and frozen vegetables.

You may not have access to fresh vegetables or the more affordable frozen vegetables, but it is safe for canned vegetables to make an occasional appearance in your dog’s diet as a meal topper. You can consider canned vegetables such as peas, carrots, green beans, corn, and chickpeas. When choosing canned vegetables for your dog, you must always select low or no-sodium varieties packed in water instead of oil or broth.

Your dog may experience hypernatremia or salt poisoning if they are eating too many canned vegetables. Hypernatremia is triggered by higher-than-normal sodium concentrations in a dog’s blood. Besides increased thirst and urination, symptoms of the condition can include confusion or disorientation, vomiting or diarrhea, and seizures. Like hypernatremia, salt poisoning can result in vomiting and diarrhea, lethargy, extreme thirst and urination, and seizures.

Fresh and frozen vegetables are an excellent alternative to canned vegetables. Dog-friendly vegetables can be fed grilled, steamed, raw, boiled, baked, roasted, and pureed. As you can see, there are many ways to switch things up! Once again, if you choose the route of canned vegetables, always opt for low or no-sodium cans.