Dogs & Squirrels!
A quick walk around the neighborhood can lead into a hunt for squirrels for some dogs and their owners! This can of course lead to disaster if you aren’t prepared for what’s to come. Squirrel chasing is very common for those dogs who love to hunt! A little bit of patience and some tips can help you make a difference and possibly prevent the issue all together.
Basic obedience training is a good place to start correcting the behavior. Learning basic commands like “sit” and “stay” will help give you more control. Always reward your dog for listening to you. Avoid areas with lots of squirrels. That’s just a recipe for disaster!
Safety is a huge concern. As a dog owner, you will always have to manage your walk with care and start to identify “beginning” signs of a potential chase! Ideally, getting your dog to pay attention to YOU is what you’re looking for. Please note: chasing isn’t a bad thing. Dogs enjoy it as it revs up their instinctive desires. On the flip side, it could cause the dog to running away put them in danger. Prevention may seem impossible depending on the breed of the dog. However, with a little patience, a good understanding of the beginning signs, and some obedience, you may be surprised!