Dog Depression – The Warning Signs

Dog Depression – The Warning Signs

Yes, it is common for dogs to go through depression, just as humans do.  The way that we can tell if humans are depressed are signs such as lack of energy, sadness, crying, or even withdrawing from life by avoiding friends and family.  Our dogs really don’t have this option, but it doesn’t mean that they can’t feel sad or even depressed.  There is a lot of evidence which points to dog depression.  How do you know if your pup is experiencing this?  Here are the signs.

  • Sleeping All the Time – Yes, dogs do sleep a lot. Typically, this happens when their owner is gone though.  If you notice that your dog is sleeping a lot more than usual, something is probably wrong.


  • Appetite Changes – Dogs can lose interest in food and sometimes even lose weight when they are extremely sad. However, there are dogs that eat more when they are depressed – leading to weight gain.


  • Loss of Interest – Pay close attention to your dog and their interests. If they suddenly don’t want to partake in going on a walk, playing fetch, or doing some of their other favorite things, they may be suffering from dog depression.


  • Avoiding – Dogs that suddenly hide or want to be left alone behave that way because something is bothering them. Check for physical signs.  If you do not notice anything then the cause may be emotional.

An important thing to remember is not to assume that your dog is depressed right off the bat.  Often, issues that seem emotional stem from physical, medical causes.  Behavior changes can be observed by your veterinarian and they can suggest ways for happy healing.  Always know that your four-legged friends have emotions just as much as we do!