Dog Adoption Tips 

Dog Adoption Tips 

Adopting a new dog can bring so much joy to the household.  However, it is important to know that your family and the dog will need to make some adjustments for the process to run smoothly!  Just think about it – dogs that are adopted must get used to unfamiliar surroundings while changing their normal routine.  In this article, we will provide some basic tips to make the adjustment period as stress-free as possible.

Be Patient – This is probably the most important tip to follow!  While your dog is learning the rules and adjusting to life in your home, you should expect some rule breaking to occur.  It does not do any good to punish them or yell at them.  These are the types of negative reactions that make your dog nervous.  Focus on remaining calm and working with your dog on the rules.  This will help you bond closer to your dog which forms a better relationship in the long run.

Set Rules and Stick to Them – You may feel tempted to give into your new dog.  However, this will not help them out in the long run!  Establishing rules at the beginning of adoption will help your new dog adjust.  Some of the rules may include making sure your dog knows where to potty, what parts of the home are off limit, and not chewing on shoes.  Having treats will help when establishing new rules.  Reward your new dog for their good behavior!

Supervise – You need to supervise your dog as much as possible as they are getting used to their new home.  We recommend that you crate your dog if you are going to be away from home for longer periods of time.  However, you will need to plan on being home more often so that your dog will adjust better.

The amount of time it takes for your dog to go through an adjustment period can vary.  Some dogs get used to their new home in a week or two, while others need a few months to fully adjust.  Just remember to be patient, kind, and consistent.  This will yield the most success!