Bacterial Infections – What You Need to Know 

Bacterial Infections – What You Need to Know 

Did you know that there are many different types of bacterial infections that your dog may be diagnosed with?  It is important to know about these different infections and the causes of each.  Keep in mind that bacterial infections can happen anywhere in your dog’s body.  For example, if your dog gets a scrape, bacteria can enter through the opening, causing an infection.

There are other reasons why your dog would get a bacterial infection.  These are a few common causes that your dog may have suddenly developed an infection.

  • Poor Diet – Nutrition can impact your dog in more ways than one.  If they do not have the proper nutrients, they will not be able to fight off the infection.
  • Weak Immune System – A strong immune system will be able to fight off infections.  However, if your dog has a weak immune system, they cannot fight off the bacteria they encounter, thus creating an infection.
  • Stress – Stress can have a negative impact on immune health as well.
  • Aging – As your dog gets older, they are more prone to developing bacterial infections because they may have different diseases and/or their immune system may not be as strong.
  • Lack of Exercise – Exercise will help your dog stay fit and healthy.  Keeping your dog at a healthy weight can decrease the chance of them getting a bacterial infection.

At this point, you are probably wondering what types of bacterial infections your dog can get.  These are some of the most common types:

  • Skin infections
  • Lyme disease
  • Bacterial eye and ear infections
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Leptospirosis
  • Pyometra

You should seek veterinary care if your dog has a bacterial infection.  They may prescribe antibiotics, ointments, and/or drops to clear up the infection.  Depending on the severity of the infection, your vet may take a sample of their skin, urine, or discharge from their eyes or ears.  With the proper treatment and care, your dog will be able to quickly recover from these infections.