Why Dogs Bark

Why Dogs Bark

Barking is a dog’s way of communicating. Puppies bark for a variety of reasons; to express excitement during play, for example, or to tell you something — maybe she needs to go outside to potty or she wants you to be a little quicker with her dinner. She may bark in anticipation when you hold a coveted toy just out of reach. Puppies also quickly learn that barking earns them attention, like treats or petting, from those in their immediate surroundings. Be careful not to reward attention barking, however, as it can become a lifelong bad habit.

Dogs can learn barking behavior from other canines. If you have an older dog that barks when the doorbell rings, there’s a good chance that your puppy will follow suit. Your puppy can also pick up barking behavior from neighborhood dogs — ever notice how one dog barking at something can incite others on the block to bark along? Even a dog barking on TVor a human pretending to bark can encourage barking from a puppy. Certain sounds such as sirens or even high-pitched music may also spark a bark or howl from your puppy.

During your puppy’s socialization period, which lasts from about 6

to12 weeks of age, she may bark at anything unfamiliar, including people and noises. Your puppy may repeat this behavior at a later period, starting at about four to six months of age. As your puppy becomes more comfortable in her home and develops territorial behavior, her barking may also become a way to ward off intruders, or warn you when someone approaches your house.