The Dog Dangers of Chicken Bones

The Dog Dangers of Chicken Bones

Let’s start by saying that chicken bones are unsafe for dogs! Now that we got that out of the way, we want to educate you on why chicken bones are unsafe for dog consumption. You may think it is a tasty treat for your four-legged friend, but it may cause many health concerns.

Chicken bones are dangerous because they can splinter easily as they are so small. A chicken bone can break into shards that can puncture through the intestines or tear up your dog’s throat. Shall we say more? The chicken bone causes a choking hazard and airway obstruction.

It doesn’t matter if the chicken bone has been cooked.

As a responsible pet parent, you’ll need to do your part to ensure your dog cannot access chicken bones. Prevention is critical. Keep chicken bones away from your dog! We understand that accidents happen, and if your dog gets a hold of a chicken bone, do not go after them aggressively. If you do this, your dog may get startled and swallow the bone. Approach your dog slowly and grab the chicken bone. Remain as calm as possible (we understand it will be stressful).

If your dog swallows a chicken bone, you must know when to visit the emergency veterinary clinic. Below are three types of situations that may require a trip to the vet.

If your dog is highly bloated or constipated.

If your dog is choking.

If there is blood in your dog’s stool, saliva, or vomit.

As you can see, chicken bones are no joke. Once again, they are not ideal for dog consumption. Please take our advice seriously and do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian at any time.