Understanding Canine Behavior: Dogs and Chewing on Dead Birds

Understanding Canine Behavior: Dogs and Chewing on Dead Birds

Encountering a dog chewing on a dead bird can be a perplexing and
concerning sight for pet owners. However, this behavior is not
uncommon and can be attributed to a combination of instincts and
learned behaviors. Dogs are scavengers by nature, and their ancestral
instincts drive them to investigate and consume carrion as a potential
food source.

Chewing on dead birds can also be a result of curiosity and
exploration. Dogs are highly curious animals, and they use their
mouths to explore their environment, often picking up objects and
investigating them with their teeth. In the case of a dead bird, the
dog may be intrigued by the unfamiliar scent and texture, prompting
them to investigate further by chewing on it.

While the behavior itself may not necessarily be harmful, there are
potential risks associated with consuming carrion, including exposure
to bacteria, parasites, and toxins present in decaying flesh.
Additionally, depending on the cause of death of the bird, there may
be potential health hazards such as poisoning or infectious diseases
that could pose risks to the dog.

Pet owners need to monitor their dogs closely when outdoors and
discourage them from chewing on dead birds or other potentially
hazardous objects. Providing appropriate chew toys and engaging in
regular training and supervision can help redirect their instincts and
prevent them from engaging in potentially harmful behaviors. If you
notice your dog exhibiting concerning symptoms after coming into
contact with a dead bird, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy,
it’s crucial to seek veterinary attention promptly to ensure their
health and well-being.