The Myth of Holding It: Dogs and the 24-Hour Wait to Go Potty

The Myth of Holding It: Dogs and the 24-Hour Wait to Go Potty

One of the persistent misconceptions among dog owners is the belief
that dogs can and should hold their bladder for an entire 24-hour
period. This notion is false and potentially harmful to your furry
friend’s health and well-being.

Dogs, like humans, have natural bodily functions, and holding their
urine and waste for an extended period can lead to various health
problems. Prolonged retention of urine can cause urinary tract
infections, bladder stones, or even kidney issues. Moreover, it can
lead to discomfort and anxiety for your dog.

The general guideline for how long a dog can hold its bladder is based
on its age and size. Puppies have smaller bladders and typically need
to go out more frequently, while adult dogs can usually keep it for
longer. However, regardless of age or size, providing your dog with
regular bathroom breaks is crucial to ensure their comfort and health.

In conclusion, expecting your dog to wait a total of 24 hours before
allowing them to relieve themselves is not only unrealistic but
potentially harmful. Responsible pet ownership involves understanding
your dog’s needs and providing them with adequate opportunities to
eliminate waste. Regular bathroom breaks ensure your dog’s physical
and mental health, reducing the risk of accidents and discomfort.