Spotlight Breed: American Foxhound
Welcome to our Spotlight Breed article of the week! This is when we teach you about some of the most interesting dog breeds of the world. Today we are going to speak about the American Foxhound. If we had to sum up the American Fox hound in three words, we would choose kind, loyal, and easygoing. However, there are so many other features to note about this breed.
The American Foxhound has a high stamina and love running. This is why we recommend that they are adopted by the most active pet owners! The weird thing about the American Foxhound is that they crave a lot of exercise and mental stimulation, however, they are also very low-maintenance and affectionate. Keep in mind that this reed will require adequate space to run and commit to playtime. Apartment dwellers and novice owners should be aware. The good thing about the American Foxhound is that they are not very sensitive. Although they love their “pack”, they have the ability to keep themselves entertained if need be.
American Foxhound’s are one of the friendliest dog breeds out there. They are very affectionate with family. They enjoy being around adults, children, and sometimes even strangers. They are also friendly around other dogs which is a huge plus. Keep in mind that socialization is still necessary though. The general health of the American Foxhound is top-notch. This breed is not normally prone to certain genetic illnesses and their overall health is great.
Although the American Foxhound is intelligent, they can be difficult to train. They often possess a “what’s in it for me” attitude. Dog owners will need to establish patience and incorporate rewards and positive reinforcement. The American Foxhound has a high tendency to bark or howl and their wanderlust potential is through the roof. If they see something that they want, you better believe they will do whatever it takes to go get it! A fenced-in yard is highly recommended for this breed.
As you can see, the American Foxhound is a very versatile dog breed. They are very friendly, intelligent, and easy to get along with! We will leave you with the American Foxhound motto: “Family is those who support your adventures and make themselves the home you want to return to.” The American Foxhound will be your best friend and you will love them until the end!