Low-Maintenance Dogs for People with Busy Lifestyles

Low-Maintenance Dogs for People with Busy Lifestyles

Just because you have a busy lifestyle doesn’t mean you cannot have a pet! The good news is that many low-maintenance dogs require much less effort than other breeds. Do not get it twisted, however! You will still need to take good care of the dog, regardless. Below is our list of low-maintenance dog breeds. Check it out and let us know what you think!

Chihuahua – This loving dog breed enjoys sitting on your lap while you read your favorite book or watch a fun movie. The chihuahua gets bursts of energy throughout the day, but they tend to lack endurance.

Moderate daily exercise is ideal for a breed like this.

Greyhound – You may be shocked to see the Greyhound making our list because they are high-energy dogs! However, most greyhounds are lazy and enjoy relaxing with their owners.

French Bulldog – The “Frenchie” is like the chihuahua. The breed has bouts of energy, but it lacks endurance. They make the best companion for relaxation!

Mastiff – This dog is an actual giant couch potato! Mastiffs have low energy levels and a reputation as highly affectionate with their family.

Dachshund – This breed requires moderate exercise to get them through the day.

These are just a few low-maintenance breeds that suit someone with a busy lifestyle! There are many other low-maintenance breeds out there.

We encourage you to research which would best fit your lifestyle.