Kennel Cough

Kennel Cough

 We are certain that you have heard of kennel cough.  However, you may be wondering what it really is and how your dog can get it.  This article will go into further detail about what kennel cough is and the things you can do to help protect your dog from the disease.

Kennel cough is a highly contagious bacteria which may also be referred to as infectious tracheobronchitis.  This means that the infection is in the trachea which has caused inflammation.  It is important to know that the bacteria Bordetella bronchiseptica causes the disease.  What happens is that this bacteria attacks the cilia lining in the respiratory tract which causes the inflammation.  The inflammation is what causes your dog to cough.  Kennel cough may occur anytime, but it is more common during the summer months.

You may be wondering how your dog can contract kennel cough.  The answer is simple: if they encounter the infected animal.  This may be during playtime at doggie daycare, boarding, in the dog park, or even at the local groomers.  This disease is called kennel cough because the cough spreads quickly.  Your dog may also come in contact with contaminated objects such as water and food bowls.

Dogs with kennel cough will have a persistent cough.  Unfortunately, dogs with kennel cough may have a hard time sleeping because they are constantly coughing.  We recommend that you speak to your veterinarian if your dog is showing signs of kennel cough.  Your veterinarian will test for a wide range of things that may cause a cough, including heartworm disease and cancer.  Most of the time, medicine is not prescribed for kennel cough, but in extreme cases, your veterinarian may give your dog a cough suppressant.  Just like a human cough, it will eventually go away on its own.

There are several ways for you to prevent your dog from getting kennel cough.  One of the most important means of prevention would be to limit their interaction with unvaccinated dogs.  This will help decrease the spread of the disease.  Ensuring that your dog is vaccinated is another great way to help prevent your dog from getting kennel cough.  Keep in mind that the vaccination will not prevent your dog from getting kennel cough.  However, if they do get it, it will be a lot easier to recover.