Creating an Instragram Page for Your Dog! 

Creating an Instragram Page for Your Dog! 

Do you believe that your pet is the cutest and you want to show them off to the world? Do they always naturally find the best light and angle in photos? Do people pay more attention to them than they do you? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you may have a dog “influencer” in the making! We are sharing some tips below on how you can fulfill their potential in becoming the next social media star.

  1. Make an account just for THEM. Don’t just rely on your personal account. Set up a separate account just for your dog. Instagram is the most popular for pet accounts.
  2.  Look for special qualities. Figure out what makes your dog stand out. Think about building your brand around that! For example, do they love adventures? Are they a foodie? Do they make funny faces? Think outside the box!
  3. A fun name goes a long way. It is important to find the right balance between being boring and too cute. Whatever you choose, make it easy and memorable for people to talk about and find. Stand out amongst the crowd!
  4. High quality content is best. Accounts that get the most followers and engagement offer high-quality photos and writing. Make sure that yours features both! This will attract more people.
  5. Don’t forget about the hashtags. It may be best to start a spreadsheet to keep track of the hashtags you see other strong pet accounts using. The more interests your tags spread across, the more exposure you will get.
  6. Post regularly! This is important. Post on a regular schedule. Consider your brand and what your own personal capacity is for posting. You may want to consider themes for each day to make it interesting and consistent.

As always, you should take advantage of all available features within your social media app. These apps change and get upgraded with new features all the time. There you have it! We hope that you enjoyed our tips. Now it’s time for you to get started on your dog’s social media page!