Help! My Dog Ate Onions. What Should I Do

Help! My Dog Ate Onions. What Should I Do?

It is crucial to know that onions are highly toxic to dogs. In fact, all members of the “onion family” can pose risks to our four-legged friends. You must also consider garlic, chives, and leeks! Long story short, dogs cannot eat onions because they cause damage to the red blood cells, causing issues with the liver and kidneys.  Of course, prevention is critical to ensure that your dog does not come in contact with onions. However, we understand that accidents happen.

What should you do if your dog eats onions? We are here to help.

You must be aware of the symptoms of onion poisoning in dogs, which include:

Decreased appetite


Abdominal pain




  1. Be proactive to ensure your dog does not have access to onions. Do not allow your dog to eat any onion products. Clean up any spills on the floor or surfaces that had traces of onions. Did your dog eat processed food that contained onions? If so, check to ensure there are no other sources in other foods.


  1. Gather the details of the incident and speak with your veterinarian. Since you’ll need to seek veterinarian assistance, you must have all the details available. Provide the vet with all information, including the time and amount of onion consumption.


  1. Follow the veterinarian’s instructions. Depending on the severity of the symptoms that your dog is experiencing, the vet may require a visit to examine your dog. The good news is that if your dog didn’t eat a toxic dose and isn’t experiencing many symptoms, your veterinarian may monitor them at home. It is best to seek advice regardless.


  1. Do not attempt to treat your dog at home. The last thing you want to do is treat your dog at home without speaking to the veterinarian.

If you do this, you may be causing more harm than good. Any delay in effective treatment will put your four-legged friend at risk, which will cause additional health concerns.

As you can see, dogs are highly vulnerable to onion toxicity. You can do your part as a pet parent by ensuring your dog cannot access onions. We understand that accidents happen, so please do your best to address the issues as soon as possible. Do not wait to call your veterinarian. They will have the best advice moving forward!