Dogs & Humor Do They Have It

Dogs & Humor: Do They Have It?

Our four-legged friends love to have fun. They do this in many ways, including rolling around in the grass, playing a game of tug o war, or learning a new trick. Have you ever wondered if dogs have a sense of humor? The answer is yes! Research shows that dogs laugh in their ways through play and social interaction. A dog’s emotions play a significant role in their sense of humor! Below are some ways that your dog can show humor. Check it out; you may be surprised!

Amusement – Dogs can send you a message of humor by dancing, playing, and wagging their tails.

Hide & Seek – This game requires your dog to run away from you and hide. Your goal is to find them. There is much humor involved in this game!

Talking – Dogs can communicate their humor through barks and howls.

Laughing & Smiling – Did you know that a big grin and sparking eyes can relate to humor in a dog’s world? It’s true!

Unfortunately, we will never know if animals laugh or genuinely have a sense of humor. However, research shows that pets have their ways of creating humor. Our pets do the best job of making us laugh while bringing us so much joy. Share a laugh with them often!