Dog Safety Tips for the Car

Dog Safety Tips for the Car

Whether you are going on a long road trip or traveling a few blocks to the vet’s office, it is crucial to prioritize your dog’s safety during car rides. It would be best to remember that a loose dog can cause major accidents. The good news is that you can avoid these instances with our tips. Check them out below and incorporate them into your driving routine for safety measures for you and your four-legged friend.

  1. Use a carry box/crate. These crates are perfect because they provide elevation and give them a view of their surroundings. You will place the carry box in the back seat and put your dog in it.
  2. Invest in a dog harness seat belt. This is one of the best options to keep your dog safe during car rides. The harness secures your dog in one position so it cannot move around the car while you are driving.
  3. Use a dog guard. These are ideal for dogs who love to move around because they prevent the dog from being thrown forward in the event of an accident. It would be best to find a dog guard that fits your car.
  4. A back-seat barrier will work wonders. The barrier keeps your dog in the back seat when you brake suddenly. You will need to remove your seat headrests to install the barrier.

When your four-legged friend joins you for car rides, you must consider other things. Please ensure you schedule plenty of stops, especially if you are going on a long road trip. Please do not let your dog hang its head out the window. Can you imagine if they got hit with debris and it caused eye damage? Also, remember that cars get very hot during the warmer months. Keep your air-conditioner on to keep the car well-ventilated.