Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?
We love our dogs and if there’s one thing dogs love to share with us, it’s “people food!” The last thing we want to do, however, is to give our furry friends treats that aren’t good for them. In this article we will be learning about if dogs can eat watermelon.
Dogs eat watermelon all the time during the hot summer months but what are the potential health benefits or risks of giving your dog this type of fruit? Let’s take a look if watermelon is safe for dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?
Yes, watermelon is safe for dogs but we recommend that you don’t let them eat the seeds and the rind of the watermelon.Watermelon is made up of mostly water and can be a healthy treat for your dog as long as they don’t eat too much in one sitting. Dogs eat watermelon because they like the texture and the hydration, but this juicy fruit also adds additional vitamins and minerals into their diet