Can Dogs Be Afraid of the Dark

Can Dogs Be Afraid of the Dark?

 It is common for children to be afraid of the dark. However, did you ever stop and think about how dogs may also be scared of the dark? Yes, it’s true! Dogs can be fearful of the dark. We will go into further detail throughout this article.

There are several reasons why your dog may be afraid of the dark. Dogs experience separation anxiety when their owners leave. When the lights are off, it may seem that your dog is far away from you, creating a fear in their mind. Sight issues may also be a possibility. If your dog is having problems seeing in general, darkness will not help the situation.

How do you know if your dog is terrified of the dark? Try walking into a dark place. If you notice that your dog tries to turn around or refuses to move, they are afraid. If you leave your dog alone in the dark, a scared dog may become anxious, tear up things, and cause destruction. You may also evaluate body language to determine if your dog is afraid of the dark. Look for signs of whining, cowering, scratching, and chewing.

You can teach your dog not to be afraid of the dark by gradually training them. The best thing you can do is ensure that there is nothing to fear about the dark while praising them along the way. Do you have dimmers on your lights at home? If so, you can gradually lower the light so your dog can get used to it. The good news is that each time dogs practice getting comfortable in unfamiliar places, they get better and better until they are no longer anxious!

Another recommendation is to play with your dog in a dark setting. This can help your dog associate darkness with positive behavior. Eventually, your dog will feel peaceful in the dark. Always remember, a little patience and a lot of consistency go a long way!