Allergic to Dogs Tips to Keep it Under Control!

Allergic to Dogs? Tips to Keep it Under Control!

Approximately 37%-47% of American households own a dog.  As you can imagine, dog dander spreads everywhere!  We all know that everyone needs a dog in their life, but for someone who suffers from dog allergies, this could be quite the obstacle.

The symptoms of dog allergies are remarkably similar to those that are caused by dust and pollens.  These include coughing, itchy eyes, runny or stuffy nose and sneezing.   If someone is severely allergic to dogs, they run the risk of having skin reactions such as hives.  So, what exactly causes dog allergies?  First and foremost, it’s not the dog’s hair or fur that’s the real problem.  Instead, the allergy usually comes from the dander (flakes on the dead skin).  The immune system looks at pet dander as a harmful substance.  You can think of the allergy symptoms as a defense mechanism to destroy the allergen.  Interesting, right?

Dog allergies can be treated with standard allergy medications such as antihistamines, decongestants, or nasal steroids.  Allergy shots may be an option if the symptoms seem to get worse.  What pet owners can do to lessen allergy symptoms is to clean, clean, clean!  Keep in mind that dog dander is EVERYWHEREFor carpeted area, be sure to use a vacuum with a HEPA filter.  For hardwood, become best friends with your broom and mop.  Another good option is to use an air purifier.  This will help produce clean air which will eliminate some of the allergens in the house.  Lastly, it may be a good idea to make some rooms in the house “dog-free”.  This will provide some relief as well!